Saturday, June 22, 2013

Clowing Around

It's all about the dress!

The options are endless when it comes to dressing for the theme of "Circus." So, what would you wear to a Circus party that was black-tie? There is the Ring Master, Tightrope Walker, Trapeze Artist, Juggler, Horsewoman in a Tutu, Clown, Roustabout, Bearded Lady... and then there is the choice of the "Water For Elephants" or "Big Fish" look in color or, as an ode to "The Night Circus," black and white. Ahhhhh, the choices!

 I found my fabric at Haberman's in a sample piece by Design Legacy
and fell madly in love with it. Sure, it didn't fit the criteria of "black tie" because it wasn't the traditional silk or satin. It was 100% cotton and it was meant for draperies.Drapery and upholstery are my favorite fabrics from which to make dresses.
"Hello, Katie Scarlett O'Hara"
 The problem was that the print was a bit big for my 5'4" of height.
How was this going to work? And how could I make it more black tie?
The key was a good fit, really high heels, lots of Swarovski crystal beads, a tube of E600
and a few glittered peanuts!
 I think this is my favorite dress I have made so far and my intention is to cut it to tea length, so that I may wear it again.  

Back Stage at Music Hall watching the curtain call

With the Volunteers, Staff and Henry right before the doors opened

Even Henry got in on the act
With one of our donors, Paulette


Saturday, June 1, 2013